Glowing Author: Martha Rogers

 Glowing Author #17

Martha Rogers is one busy lady. With the first three books of her Winds Across the Prairie series in bookstores and the next scheduled for release in January, she is hard at work on another series.  But that’s not all.  Martha also contributes to various compilations and anthologies.  That’s still not all!  For six years, she served as editor of an eight page monthly newsletter for the writer’s organization, Inspirational Writers Alive! and now she is the group’s state President.  Let’s give Martha a minute to catch her breath while we say…

Heeeeeeere’s Martha!

Wow, Martha, I won’t ask you what you do in your free time.  Instead I’ll ask how you started your writing journey.

I’ve been writing since I was a child and made up stories for my paper dolls and baby dolls. I wrote a novel at the age of seventeen and wanted it to be published, but I didn’t know how to go about it. I continued to write short stories and articles, but didn’t seek publication until the late 1980’s.

Tell us about your new book that just came out.

Finding Becky is book three in my Winds Across the Prairie series. Becky is a feisty, independent young woman who returns to her hometown hoping to change the attitudes of the women there to support the suffragette movement.

Interesting premise.  How did you come up with the idea for it?

The story just seemed to evolve out of the tomboy Becky had been as a young girl. The historical time frame lent itself to the suffragette movement and new ideas for the role of women in society.

I like that, where the story melds into a historical time period.  As your wrote, did the plot or characters surprise you with unexpected twists or turns?

Oh, yes. Something unexpected crops up when I’m in the middle of something else and characters I hadn’t planned on appear or go off in a different direction.

Is there a particular writer who had a real impact on your life?

Grace Livingston Hill.  When I was a young girl, I read everything I could get my hands on. I wanted to be a writer like her.

What book is on your nightstand right now?

I just finished Mirrored Image by Alice Arenz. I haven’t decided for sure which book will be next as I have a stack of them I want to read.

I know how that is!  You’re working on a new project, too, aren’t you? 

Yes, on the first book in a new series, Seasons of the Heart. Book One is Summer Dream and the deadline for it is November 1.

As an experienced writer, what advice do you have to offer new writers?

Never give up. If God has called you to write, be patient and pray and persevere.

Wonderful advice!  Thank you, Martha, for being with us today.






“Never give up. You will reap the harvest if you persevere.”

Martha Rogers

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